Best Return On Investment

道尔顿状态 is ranked among the top 24 colleges in the nation for best return on investment by Business Insider magazine.

道尔顿状态 is ranked among the top 24 colleges in the nation for best return on investment by Business Insider magazine.


We want to push our students precisely because we’re so confident they can not only handle the challenge, they can thrive in the challenge.

We want to push our students precisely because we’re so confident they can not only handle the challenge, they can thrive in the challenge.


澳门新葡京娱乐城网址, students don’t just attend, they engage in their education, invited and guided by professors who are experts at reaching and motivating individual students to take an active role in their educational journey.

<a href='http://handsome.montanafriendsinfellowship.com'>澳门新葡京娱乐城网址</a>, students don’t just attend, they engage in their education, invited and guided by professors who are experts at reaching and motivating individual students to take an active role in their educational journey.

Choosing a State College in Georgia

It's not too late to apply to 道尔顿状态! Your future is still coming... 选择大胆!


Hear From Our Students

杰出的 价值 - Photo of student smiling at graduation ceremony

杰出的 价值

大胆地运行 - Photo of Student Smiling on Campus


良好的用户体验 - Photo of student having a good time at a student event

引人入胜的 经验





Our student-centered approach at 道尔顿状态 begins during the admissions process, as our counselors will work one-on-one with prospective students and their families to navigate the admissions and financial aid processes. 在一起, we’ll make sure 你 know what is required to ensure all 你r papers are signed, all 你r qualified funding is secured, and all 你r questions are answered.



All students are invited to apply for scholarships from the 道尔顿状态 Foundation. Last year, the Foundation awarded 154 scholarships totaling more than $250,000. Plus, 58% of our students receive some form of need-based financial support. With our already low tuition and fees, even a modest grant or scholarship can go a long way at 道尔顿状态.


学费和杂费 Icon


While tuition prices and average student loan debt is skyrocketing at most four-year schools, 道尔顿状态 remains committed to offering an outstanding value – a great education at an affordable cost.  We believe the most important investment is the one we make in , not the other way around.



To begin the application process to become a 道尔顿状态 Roadrunner, click below.
